Thursday, August 18, 2011

This is a picture of me walking to work in South Asia. Live is so good!

This picture is from a temple. I wasn't trying to take the picture of the boy but he jumped in the photo. Afterwards, I showed him the picture and he took the camara out of my hands. At first, I thought he was stealing it but then realized he was just showing his father. We all laughed and I enjoyed the rest of the day learning about muslims and hindus.
This is a picture of one of the many gods people pour their hearts out to everyday. It blows my mind how many different idols their are.

 This picture was taken on the way to our office. It wasn't hard to take because the sky is so beautiful here.

The picture above was taken on an absolutely beautiful boat ride. It cost about five dollars a person and lasted an hour. I love my sister a bunch and miss my friends/family.

Friday, August 5, 2011

I'm here!

I'm here in South Asia and I like it a lot. Everyday is a new adventure, creating unforgettable memories.

Here's a random story: The other day, I set down the Koran at one of the mosques by my flat. The e-mum, leader of the temple, quickly picked up the Koran. I had no clue that they always hold the Koran in two hands and that setting it down on unholy ground is highly offensive. With fear on my face, I learned my lesson.

Here are some pictures of my journey so far. Enjoy!